Playa del Ingles Gay Tantra & Massage
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Ayurveda massage aims to cleans body to bring about balance in doshas Just as in acupressure, there are specific points in the body of the individual that need to be identified and massaged using different strokes too bring relief in aches and pains. Sports massage tends to be deeper and more intense. Hot Chocolate Massage: Chocolate was highly appreciated already by the Ancient Aztecs for its exceptional composition and action on the organism.
It was a truly enlightening experience and I honestly feel it helped me in, an emotional, spiritual and physical way. CranioSacral helps alleviate pain and discomfort by allowing bones to shift within the head and spinal column freeing restrictions caused from adhesions or scar tissue that sometimes binds organs or the dural tube.
Playa del Ingles Gay Tantra & Massage - I did go back a second time and I felt like a new man at the end of my holiday.
Holistic massage is a therapeutic application of touch that is also a supportive, relaxing treatment that encourages the mind to slow down whilst energy is increased. This treatment also lifts the spirit on an emotional level. Above all, it can help prevent those niggling injuries that so often get in the way of performance and achievement, whether one is an athlete, ardent keep-fitter or a once a week jogger. This treatment is not just for the sports person: anyone can benefit from sports massage, including people in physically demanding jobs and those not quite so obvious occupational, emotional and postural stress may produce many similar characteristics to sports injuries. Sports massage tends to be deeper and more intense. It is based on the various elements of Swedish massage and often incorporates a combination of other techniques involving stretching, compression, friction, toning, and trigger point response techniques similar to Acupressure and Shiatsu. The skilled therapist brings together this blend of techniques, knowledge and advice during treatment, to work effectively with the client to bring about optimum performance and to provide injury-free training and minimise post event injuries. Indian or Ayurveda: Ayurveda, though it is wrongly perceived as a mere ancient medicine system from India, is in fact Indian lifestyle that was practiced in ancient times. There are many detoxification techniques in Ayurveda such as yoga, meditation, herbal medicines, and aurvedic massage etc that are used to treat or cure ailments of people depending upon their systems. Ayurveda massage is just a part of this entire exercise of detoxification to achieve a balance between vata, pitta, and cough. Ayurveda Massage Ayurveda massage is a part of the system of living called ayurveda Ayurvedic massage or abhyanga as it is known as in the western world, is a kind of whole body massage head to toe where warm oils are used by the therapist to improve blood circulation and to bring relief from different aches and pains by applying pressure on soft muscles of the body. The basic objective of an ayurvedic massage is to achieve detoxification and relaxing and strengthening the muscles of the body. In this kind of massage, which is a type of hard massage, hands and elbows are used to apply pressure on various body parts of the individual using various oils. Sometimes feet and forearms are also used to bring deep sense of relaxation and well being. The main strikes in ayurvedic massage techniques are classified as tapping, kneading and squeezing. The intensity and pressure are dependent upon the physical and metal condition of the person as different persons have different doshas that need to be corrected. Ayurveda massage aims to cleans body to bring about balance in doshas Just as in acupressure, there are specific points in the body of the individual that need to be identified and massaged using different strokes too bring relief in aches and pains. These points are called marma points in Ayurveda massage. Though ayurvedic massage is just a part of the detoxification techniques described in Ayurveda, it has become very popular in the western world as a means to get rid of symptoms in chronic ailments and diseases. There are also people coming to India especially to get ayurvedic massage sessions to relieve their bodies of different stresses and pains. The fact to keep in mind is that ayurvedic massage is a method to help in detoxification of the body to bring about a change in the imbalance between vata, pitta, and cough so that the person feels a positive state of health both physically as well as mentally. Today, ayurvedic massage is being used more for its curative benefits than as a routine measure to keep oneself in good health. Today there are proven procedures I ayurvedic massage to bring relief in the symptoms of arthritis, sciatica; slip disc, frozen shoulder, spondylitis etc. These are some of the medical conditions where allopath can do no more than keep symptoms under control and has no permanent cure of these diseases. This is the reason why people afflicted with these and any more medical conditions are arriving in India in large numbers to undergo ayurvedic massage. These imbalances are corrected by applying pressure to specific points along channels in the body known as meridians. Hot Chocolate Massage: Chocolate was highly appreciated already by the Ancient Aztecs for its exceptional composition and action on the organism. It is known for its rejuvenating, anti-depression and aphrodisiac effects. Thanks to the content of a unique composition of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, alkaloids and anti-oxidants, it stimulates and calms the organism at the same time. Effects of Chocolate Massage Chocolate nourishes the body cells, relaxes the muscles, relieves pain head, back , heats and helps maintain body temperature, expands the veins and thus improves blood return. It is capable of boosting the metabolism; it acts against retention of water swellings , detoxification of the organism, also beneficial during slimming and shaping of the body. Chocolate massage nourishes, softens, cleanses, stretches the skin and gives it lustre. It protects against free radicals, which cause ageing, and eliminates cellulite and striae. Chocolate pleasurably relieves stress and brings a feeling of perfect ease and happiness. Visit us and experience the Chocolate Massage that combines the sensational features of chocolate with the skill of our Thai masseuses in the pleasant and cosy environment of the Thai Fit studios. A never-to-be-forgotten experience is also the Chocolate Massage for Two in an intimate candle light atmosphere. Within 1 hour you will receive twice the amount of regular massage. The two therapists complement each other's work, keeping the body constantly warm, consequently achieving a more effective therapeutic result. Some of our customers have reported an experience of sensory overload, and something akin to taking powerful painkillers. A regular session lasts for one hour. It is definitely a special experience. CranioSacral Therapy: CranioSacral Technique fits into the energy category of alternative therapies. CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle energy work using a 5-gram pressure about the weight of a nickel. CranioSacral helps alleviate pain and discomfort by allowing bones to shift within the head and spinal column freeing restrictions caused from adhesions or scar tissue that sometimes binds organs or the dural tube. The dural tube consists of three meninges which are connective tissues surrounding the brain and spinal column. Reiki: Reiki is a spiritual, vibrational healing practice used to promote balance throughout the human system. Reiki does not involve physical manipulation or the ingestion or application of any substances, but works with the subtle vibrational field thought to surround and penetrate the body. Reiki is commonly translated from the Japanese as universal life energy. Reiki treatment is usually facilitated by light, non-manipulative touch to a clothed recipient.